Friday, August 20, 2010

Here Kitty Kitty Kitty!

Are you a cat-hater or a dog-preferrer? Believe it or not, there is a difference.

I'm a surprise there. That doesn't mean I hate simply means that I desire different qualities in a pet. I like cats because they aren't needy in any way, shape or form. They don't have to be on you all the time. They don't care if they please you. I could leave for days on end and as long as the food and water held out, they wouldn't miss me a bit. I can appreciate that.

I believe that people who flat out hate cats have something to hide...and they are scared that the cats are on to them. Bad people don't like to be around intuitive people, for fear of being found out. Cats are amazing judges of character. Dogs love everyone...even people who abuse them. Cats are far more selective.

This theory has panned out for me on more than one occasion.

"Good Twin/Evil Twin" was a cat-hater.

We should have listened to the cats.

1 comment:

Journey Rocks! said...

I love this post! :) That must make me a blog-lover? (J/K)

Me? I love dogs. I love how they jump up when I come home. I love how they bark when people walk by my house - or up to my door; I love the fact that we don't need a doorbell. I love how they don't complain when I "make" the same, old, boring thing for dinner every night (unlike the other people that I live with). I love how they think I am the leader of the pack -- it makes me feel like I have at least SOME control over my life (ha ha).

Yet -- I love cats. I just can't have one as an indoor pet because I am deathly allergic (well, death to my non-itchy eyes anyway and free-breathing nose). I would dearly LOVE to have an indoor cat; I used to have one in my early teens when my mom inherited one after marrying my stepdad. I even almost tried to raise an indoor cat right after we watched its sibling get run over on the road. Unfortunately, my allergies got the better of me so he had to go back outside.

Thank you for writing this entry about pets! It really made me think about the little furry creatures that I love. :)