Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I'm Back!

I started a blog because I really enjoy reading other people's blogs. It's a lot like watching T.V.-the pictures are colorful, the situations are relateable, and everything ends on a happy note.
I know that real life isn't like that and I know that a lot of bloggers avoid the grittiness (i.e. interesting) of real life and focus only on the squeaky clean (i.e. boring). That is sooooo not me! To pretend that my life is always sunny and bright in my blog just felt dishonest somehow.
A lot of bad things happened during 2009 and I felt like I couldn't express them here because I thought that blogs were happy places.
Don't worry...I'm not going to rehash all of the gory details of 2009, BUT i have resolved to be more real. If a blog is an online journal then everything should go into it...the good, the bad and the ugly. I've read a blog or two recently that do just that and they sort of inspired me to give it one more try...MY WAY! We'll see how it goes.

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