Tuesday, August 17, 2010

It's a fact...there is only one time every year that I am really, truely, blissfully, sublimely happy. That would be Fall. The rest of the year pales in comparison.
Summer and Winter are too harsh...too unforgiving. Too much. You are very likely to get a sunburn during the Summer months. You are equally as likely to get a nasty windburn during the Winter. The brightness of Summer and Winter hurts your eyes. It's too hot. It's too cold. It's just too much of everything. I don't fully trust people whose favorite seasons are Summer or Winter...I feel like they enjoy suffering.
Spring is OK...a tad bit unpredictable, but generally well recieved in my house. I don't have any strong feelings one way or the other about Spring.
But Fall...Sweet, Sweet Fall! All year long, I feel like if I can just make it back to Fall's loving arms, everything else will be ok. I have always felt that way.
It's true that my birthday is in October, thus strengthening my passion for Fall...but I am firmly convinced that I would love the season anyway. Fall is gentle. Soft. The temperatures are soothing, not too hot, not too cold but just right. The light shimmers, it doesn't assult the eyes. Even the trees bring out their Sunday best for fall. The rain refreshes. The air is crisp, not heavy. It is the most perfect time of year!
Nothing bad has ever happened to me during the Fall.
That, of course, is a lie.
For every bad thing that has ever happened to me, I will be able to tell you the corresponding season.
1996-Winter AND Spring
2009-Spring AND Summer
You get the idea.
But when it comes to Fall, it'll take me a few minutes to remember the bad things. In fact, bad things have happened to me in the Fall...the worst things. The most devastating things. My Dad died in the fall. And on the flip side, some of the most important things have happened in the dead of Winter...I got married in December. My amazing daughter was born in December.
Clearly, I have no rational reason for loving fall the way i do...i just do. I think everyone has their favorite time of year...and are as irrational about it as I am.
I think that's what is so awesome about human beings. We are resiliant. We know that if we can just hang in there until a certain time or event...everything will be better. That's not true of course, but we need hope to drive us forward. Hope that things will be better.
I always get depressed at the end of summer. I don't know why.
If I can just hang on til September...everything will be ok.

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