Monday, August 16, 2010

I'm Sad...

The bitch of depression is that it creeps up on you! It comes on so slowly that by the time you realize that something is wrong, you are firmly in its strangle hold.
It retrospect, I guess I should have seen the signs...they were all there. I wake up tired, I go to bed and I can't sleep. Looking in the mirror is a nightmare, but I can't seem to force myself to do the things that make me feel better about that image. I bathe constantly. I eat too much. I drink too much...the list goes on and on.
I thought I was suffering in silence. I was wrong. This morning, my husband very gently informed me that he missed snuggling with me. I guess I've been isolating as well. I suck at suffering!
So...what do I do about this? I cannot, for the life of me, figure out what's been going on. What lead me to the downward spiral this time? That's the other crappy thing about being depressed...sometimes there is no reason. It just happens.
I guess that's a lie. I DO know what's been bothering me. Events long since passed are finally having their impact on me emotionally. Like the shock of it all is finally starting to dissapate and the reality is sinking in. Do I address those issues here? I've always hated it when people air their dirty laundry in a public way, it seems tacky. But obviously bottling it up is doing me no good either. So I guess I'll spill it, because talking helps.

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