Saturday, November 22, 2008

I Got Nothin'

Kim photo tagged me. What the french, toast? I don't have folders. I don't have photos. If someone were to look at Bella's baby book, they would be convinced that she died the day after her first birthday. I got nothin'! Sorry, kimbo, I know I'm a major disappointment, but I am adopted after all. It's no wonder people are so shocked when they find out we are sisters. But why the shock people, weren't Jesus and Satan related too?
Hope everyone is gearing up for Thanksgiving! I know I am (not really). I don't even really consider it a holiday, unless one thinks it's a good thing to invade native American's lands and then proceed to cheat them out of it. I don't. But I have the day off and it's a great excuse to make awesome food and eat without remorse for a change, so I'll celebrate that instead. I am thankful for Thanksgiving (not really). My brothers and sisters are going to Wyoming, I, however, am not. Ever the rebel! I am not used to traveling for the holidays, we didn't often when I was a kid, and I don't like it. Neither does Shane (I swear we were MFEO) so we are always telling his family no for every holiday. To keep things fair we have to tell my family no a lot too. But that's ok with me cuz my mom really pounded into my head the importance of creating your own traditions and memories. But just for the record, I LOVE LOVE LOVE my brothers and sisters!
Shane's parents get the last laugh this year though, because the Monday after Thanksgiving they are leaving for their mission in Tucson, Arizona (that's awesome btw, I LOVE LOVE LOVE Tucson) which means they have their little farewell in church on Sunday. So they are dragging me from my home on a holiday weekend AND I have to go to church. Double whammy! And it's family picture day! Triple whammy!! That's gonna be a dark day in the Petersen household, I might need therapy later. One good thing does come from this though, we will get to visit them in Tucson at some point so I guess they can be forgiven.
HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE! Hope everyone who is traveling does so safely, and I hope I don't injure myself while belly flopping into the Pumpkin Chiffon pie!

1 comment:

going gordon said...

You are so FUNNY! I was so right to "bully" into doing a blog. You and your blog are MFEO! I am still laughing!
We will miss you for Thanksgiving (and by the way, it is Idaho we are going to).
I LOVE LOVE LOVE you too! And Happy Turkey Day- it's not my fav holiday either...