Tuesday, November 11, 2008

MP3 Mania

My sister just sent me a scathing e-mail. "Why aren't you blogging?" I have slacked off a lot, but for good reason. I got a new MP3 player for my birthday (a totally adorable pink Zune a long with tons of other great presents, it was a bountiful birthday) and I have been busy filling it with songs. I had to start from scratch cuz for some reason my itunes account wouldn't just let me transfer it. I'm not really computer savvy, I don't know why it wouldn't, maybe it's not even supposed to. Needless to say I have spent days ripping and syncing ripping and syncing ripping and syncing. It's been sort of a drag but it will all be worth it when it's done. And since I can only really focus on one thing at a time, my blog has suffered. All of that and I have a hard time finding stuff to say. My life is pretty boring, in the best possible way, but I just can't imagine that it would be interesting to someone other than myself. I work, I clean my house, I yell at my kids, pretty standard stuff. But I'll be better I promise.
I am completely bummed that Halloween is over btw, now there isn't anything to look forward to until next Halloween. Somehow I must find a way to go on.
Until next time!

1 comment:

going gordon said...

I read your new post as I was serenaded by Dolly... Ah, the sweetness of life....

and I did not send a SCATHING email... just .... bossy....