Thursday, November 27, 2008

I Hate Christmas?

I am a bona fide Christmas hater! That's what I always tell my friends anyway, but dammit if something doesn't happen that puts me in the holiday spirit anyway. Without fail.
I used to really love Christmas, no grinchiness at all, but then my sisters and brothers started getting married and having families of their own. Every youngest of every family knows what I'm talking about! Your sibs start having in-laws that want some time too, so every other year they go there, then they start having kids and want to recreate some of the magic for they stop coming completely. After a while I was left with just my mom, which was great, but not the same. I came to dread Christmas. There was no more breathless anticipation, no more magic.
I didn't understand that when you have children of your own you get your childhood back in many ways. I was 28 when my Bella was born and I finally learned that lesson. Like I said it still takes some coaxing, though.
This year Kim put some Christmas songs on her playlist. REALLY GOOD Christmas songs. Songs that reminded me of my mom and songs that reminded me of a really sad Christmas right after my dad died. I cried, of course (I usually cry while reading Kim's blog, in fact, it's my go to if I need inspiration to cry). And suddenly found myself in the Christmas spirit, funny how that happens.
I still hate Christmas! It takes away all of my edge!

1 comment:

going gordon said...

Ha ha ha! I can't tell you how happy I am that I could inspire you with the Christmas Spirit. I love Christmas and I just don't get people (like you and Cory) who don't. I am going to ground and take away your car keys if I ever hear you say that again!
I am glad you like my music. I love Christmas music and it was such a challenge to choose only a few songs. I might have to change them again in a few weeks.