Saturday, December 6, 2008

Did I Happen To Mention...

I think I mentioned before, that, just recently, we moved back to Ephraim from Manti (living in Manti is a dark spot in my life and an entire post all it's own). But did I happen to mention how much I love my house? I LOVE MY HOUSE!!!!
I love my house. I mean, duh, we bought it. That's a pretty big commitment to make about something you only have lukewarm feelings for. Shane (and sometimes Alese) spent 10 weeks painting, sanding, varnishing and other assorted "ing's". It's not done, I suspect it never will be, but as big a project as it has turned out to and continues to be, I can't begin to tell you how crazy I am about this pile of bricks! I mean it's just a house, right? It shouldn't evoke such stong emotions the way it does. It's a roof and walls. It's over 150 years old, none of the rooms are perfectly square and it makes funny noises at night. But I have to say, I am in love!
Our original plan was to build a house. Sounds pretty simple, right? We even went as far as buying the land (it's for sale now, anyone interested in buying a chunk of the
American dream?). Then at the begining of this year construction prices began to soar and banks started getting jittery about giving money away. Since we pay so much in child support and alimony, and since I was honest with the bank about all of that (thanks a lot Honesty!), we soon realized that building would be next to impossible for several years (until child support and alimony are done basically). I HAD to get out of Manti. So, completely demoralized and devestated, we began to assemble Plan B. Buying a house. Turns out it's a lot easier to get a home loan than it is to get a construction loan. I started scanning the internet for houses in Ephraim within our price range. Some interesting prospects, but nothing that really felt right. Then our house came up for sale. I know this house. My mom used to live next door, which means so did I. It's my old neighborhood. We called that night. Walked through it the next day and 15 days later we owned it! 2 and a half years of planning to build resulted in nothing! 2 and a half weeks of planning to buy resulted in finally bringing me home.
I could never get a good feeling about building. It sounded fun and I wanted it bad, but it always felt so out of reach. The second we set foot in this house it felt like home. Fate is funny like that sometimes.
It's a great feeling. One that everyone should experience at least once in their lifetime. Now if you will excuse me I have to go clean my house! Until next time...

1 comment:

going gordon said...

I am so glad you are in Ephraim too. I don't see you that much more, but it is good to know you are near.

Thanks for coming to my party. It was lots of fun! You are always such a fun guest. By the way, all my kids love your disco ball ornaments! (So do I).