Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Yarn Is So CREEPY!

Kim tagged me. I'm supposed to name 6 quirky things about myself. I think this is really hard! I've been the Mayor of Quirkopolis pretty much my whole life and that seems normal to me. Other people would probably have a hard time stopping at 6 quirky things about me! Let's give this a try.
1. I am deathly afraid of balloons! But worse than balloons is YARN!!!!!!! It is so creepy. I cannot stress that enough!
2. I think the devil created cranberries specifically with me in mind.
3. I have a huge bald spot on the back of my head. A memento from one of my many hospital stays!
4. I love Dolly Parton! Seriously, the woman can do no wrong!
5. I hate to drive anywhere outside of Sanpete. White knuckles, sweaty palms, screaming, the whole bit. Sort of like that scene from the movie Clueless where Dion accidentally got on the freeway, that's me.
6. Everyone thought I was going to be really tall when I grew up. I have been 5" 2" since I was 9 or 10 years old.
Well, that actually wasn't so bad, like I said, narrowing it down was the hard part.


going gordon said...

I thought it was going to be easy too, but it wasn't. I loved your quirk list!

Jim and Amy said...

You kill me! I really need to know why yarn is so creepy . . . your thoughts. Love ya--Ames