Thursday, October 30, 2008

What Have I Gotten Myself Into?

My sister sort of bullied me into starting this blog (ha ha just kidding Kim)! But what the heck, I'm sort of entering what I consider to be a new phase in my life, might as well document it. I am the world's worst journal keeper/correspondant, I have been known to completely disappear from my family's radar for weeks, even months at a time, so I hope I can keep this updated. We'll see how it goes.
During the course of a few short months my life has made a ninty turn, not quite 180 cuz much of it's the same. We just moved into a Old/New To Us house, my baby started Kindergarten and I quit one of my two jobs. So now I stay home 2 days a week. I like it, which shocks me. A month ago if I had been asked if I wanted to be a stay at home mom the answer would have been a resounding NO! But I can handle 2 days especially when Bella is in school for 2 and a half hours of it. I still work at Pollies about 30 hours a week but I find it more relaxing than being at home. Don't get me wrong, I like being home and I get a lot done but it is hard work, and there's always something I feel like I should do. A far cry from my former life as a professional couch potato, wouldn't you say Kimbo? Needless to say, I don't know how full timers do it! My hats off to ya, ladies!
I'm excited and happy about the changes in my life. I feel like I'm living a dream, now that the bitter, cold exile in Manti is over. I really am a lucky girl!

1 comment:

going gordon said...

I LOVE IT! You are awesome! Now, just get some photos on there and you are set! Ha, just kidding. I do love it however. You need to email everyone and give out your blog address now so they can check it.