Friday, September 17, 2010

Judgement Day

Earlier this week, Evil Twin faced the consequences of his crimes. It's been a day I've been anticipating for 18 months. A day where he would be made to "pay" for what he did. When the judgement came down, I realized I didn't feel any of the emotions I thought I would feel. Not Anger. Not Jubilation. Instead I experienced an emotion that took me by surprise...Closure. Funny how sometimes closure makes you feel Sadness right along with it. I am sad at the destruction one man can wreak through plain and simple bad decisions. I realized that one's actions can affect hundreds of lives. I feel sad for his ex-wife and her children. I feel sad for his victims, for their losses both monitarily and in some cases spiritually. I feel sad that some of them are having a hard time healing. But surprisingly, I also feel very sad for him. I now understand that he is neither good nor evil...simply human. And often, human beings make disasterous mistakes.
While the sadness remains, the hatred has "magically" evaporated. It is a HUGE step towards further healing and it feels so good!
I don't know what comes next as far as he is concerned. That's the nice thing about not being able to see too far into the future...if I were to know, I probably would refuse to move forward. Moving forward can be scary but that's what it's all about.